Become the hero of your own life.

We like to think of ADHD as a superpower that needs to be developed and refined. We are here to work alongside your family to aid you or your child on mastering this superpower.


ADHD Warriors of CT is committed to providing the tools for patients to live their best lives with an ADHD diagnosis.

We provide the guidance and the expertise, and you provide the knowledge of what is and isn’t working. Together, we build a foundation that you can rely on to help you make your dreams come true. Whether it is finding academic success, building strong friendships, developing self-confidence, or going to college, we will support you. All you really need to be the hero of your own life is the willingness to work with us and the desire for a better life. 


Who We Are

We are a team of Connecticut-based providers who specialize in treating ADHD. Click the button below to read more about our staff and our values.

Services We Offer

  • ADHD Consulting

  • Medication Management

  • ADHD Coaching


Our Patients:

We are primarily a pediatric office treating school-aged patients between the ages of 5 and 25. Patients must be enrolled in full-time school.


How We Conduct Visits:

Appointments for our coaching program and consulting service occur primarily through telemedicine. We are an office that is updated for the 21st century, and we use technology to provide better care and optimize doctor-patient communication.


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